Affichage de 37 résultats

Description archivistique
Irish Vincentian Archive Avec objets numériques
Aperçu avant impression Hierarchy Affichage :
'All Hallows College, 1842-1898', Anonymous. Browne & Nolan. (Consecration of new chapel - 18...
'All Hallows College, 1842-1898', Anonymous. Browne & Nolan. (Consecration of new chapel - 1898.)
Mass booklet for opening of celebrations
Mass booklet for opening of celebrations
'All Hallows College Pioneer Priests in the United States'
'All Hallows College Pioneer Priests in the United States'
Lease of Land at Temple Road
Lease of Land at Temple Road
Proposal for Desk and Platform
Proposal for Desk and Platform
Page 1
Page 1
Page 6
Page 6
Glass plate negative
Glass plate negative
Mass celebration booklet
Mass celebration booklet
Projet des Statuts du College des Missions Etrangeres dit All-Hallows pres Dublin
Projet des Statuts du College des Missions Etrangeres dit All-Hallows pres Dublin
Résultats 1 à 10 sur 37