An Irish prayer book titled ‘An Choróinn Mhuire / an t-Athair Peadar Ua Laoghaire, Canónach, S.P., do shaothruigh / an t-Athair Ristéard Pléimean, Ph. D. do chuir i n- eagar’ (Dublin: Muintir na Leabhar Gaedhilge, Brún agus Nuallán, 1917). A manuscript annotation on the first page refers to Fr. Bonaventure Murphy OFM Cap. / 17 March 1917.
Letter from John Lanigan & Nolan, solicitors, 81 High Street, Kilkenny, to Fr. Bonaventure Murphy OFM Cap., guardian, enclosing a copy of the will of Margaret Carthy (d. 6 Mar. 1940) in which she leaves the sum of £5 for masses to be said for the repose of her soul. The solicitors assert that ‘there are not sufficient assets to meet any of the legacies contained in the will of deceased, as all available monies will go towards paying her funeral expenses …’.
Bills of costs from W.K. Cleere & Son, 8 Ormonde Road, Kilkenny, to Fr. Bonaventure Murphy OFM Cap. for contract work on St. Anne’s Shrine and for the extension of the floor in the Third Order Chapel.
A photograph of Patrick Collier, Bishop of Ossory, with (from left) Fr. Bonaventure Murphy OFM Cap., Fr. Ignatius Collins OFM Cap. and Fr. Colman Griffin OFM Cap. at the Church of St. Francis in Kilkenny.
A group of Capuchin friars and students at Rochestown Friary, County Cork, in c.1928. The group includes (first row, third from the right) Fr. Edwin Fitzgibbon OFM Cap. (1874-1938) and (front row, second from the left) Fr. Bonaventure Murphy OFM Cap. (1880-1968).
Photographic print of Fr. Angelus Healy OFM Cap. with five other Capuchin friars and a young girl. The photograph was taken at Doe Castle, County Donegal. One of the other friars is Fr. Bonaventure Murphy OFM Cap. Note: A manuscript annotation on the reverse reads: ‘Taken at Doe Castle, July 12th, 1930’.
A photograph of a group of Capuchin friars outside a house in Whitegate in County Cork. The group includes Fr. Edwin Fitzgibbon OFM Cap., Fr. Ignatius Collins OFM Cap., Fr. Colman Griffin OFM Cap., Fr. Chrysostom Sutton OFM Cap., and Fr. Bonaventure Murphy OFM Cap.
A view of several Capuchin friars walking in a walled garden. The group includes (from left to right): Fr. Bonaventure Murphy OFM Cap. (1880-1968). His hand is partially obscuring his face. Fr. Augustine Hayden OFM Cap. (1870-1954) Fr. Matthew O'Connor OFM Cap. (1859-1930) Fr. Peter Bowe OFM Cap. (1856-1926) Fr. Stanislaus Kavanagh OFM Cap. (1876-1965)
A group of Capuchin friars with musical instruments in the Kilkenny Friary in c.1905. Identifiable individuals include: Front row (seated): First on the left: Br. Edward Walsh OFM Cap. (1881-1961) First on the right: Br. Ignatius Collins OFM Cap. (1885-1961)
Second row (seated): First on the right: Br. Edwin Fitzgibbon OFM Cap. (1874-1938) First on the left: Br. Brendan O’Callaghan OFM Cap. (1880-1952)
Third row (standing): First on the right: Br. Albert Bibby OFM Cap. (1877-1925) Second on the right: Br. Cyril O’Sullivan OFM Cap. (1887-1921) Third on the right: Br. Bonaventure Murphy OFM Cap. (1880-1968) Second on the left: Br. Gregory O’Kelly OFM Cap. (d. 9 Apr. 1947) First on the left: Br. Philip King OFM Cap. (1885-1952)
Fourth row (standing): First on the right: Br. Dominic O’Connor OFM Cap. (1883-1935) Second on the right: Br. Malachy Hynes OFM Cap. (1879-1955) Third on the right: Br. Berchmans Cantillon OFM Cap. (1880-1942) Forth on the right: Br. Columbus Murphy OFM Cap. (1881-1962) Second on the left: Br. Adrian Sharkett OFM Cap. (1879-1965) First on the left: Br. Colman Griffin OFM Cap. (1886-1971
A photograph of a group of Capuchin friars in the garden of the Church Street Friary in Dublin. The group includes Sylvester Mulligan OFM Cap., Archbishop of Delhi Simla, and Killian Flynn OFM Cap., Prefect Apostolic of Victoria Falls.