Folder of Mother Mary Martin Letters 1934
- IE IE/GLA IE/GLA/2020-03-06/9/2020-03-06/12
- File
- 1934
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Sent to and by the former Prior of Glenstal in 1934
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
Folder of Mother Mary Martin Letters 1934
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Sent to and by the former Prior of Glenstal in 1934
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
Letters about Mother Mary Martin
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Correspondence from parties other than Mother Mary, but concerning her nonetheless.
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
Mother Mary Martin and Dom. Bede Lebbe Letters
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Correspondence mainly between Mother Mary martin and the former Prior of Glenstal Dom. Bede Lebbe
Mother Mary Martin (Auth rec)
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Letters to and from Mother Mary Martin. They are from the early days of the Medical Missionaries of Mary, and thus are mostly concerned with matters pertaining to the foundation of the order.
Mother Mary Martin (Auth rec)
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Early days of M.M.M, formation of aspiring sisters, Rule of Glenstal in formation of aspiring sisters, Agreement between Glenstal ande Ms Martin when ladies were working here.
Sent to and by the former Prior of Glenstal
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Letters sent to and by Mother Mary Martin. Cover letter in 1974 states: "Documentation on foundation of Medical Missionaries of Mary in Glenstal. Entrusted to Fr. Mart T. for eventual photostating for Mother Jude. Fr. Bernard. These papers are not in chronological order"
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
Mother Mary Martin Letters 1935
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Sent to and by the former Prior of Glenstal in 1935
Mother Mary Martin (Auth rec)
Mother Mary Martin Letters 1936
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
correspondence from 1936 between Bede Lebbe and Mother Mary Martin
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
Mother Mary Martin Letters 1937/38
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Sent to and by the former Prior of Glenstal in 1937, 1938
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec
Mother Mary Martin Letters 1939
Part of Glenstal Abbey Archive
Sent to and by the former Prior of Glenstal in 1939
Glenstal Abbey Auth Rec